Dimple Creation for the Cheek Bellevue & Seattle

The cheek dimple is the area of the face where we smile. The Chinese character for this word is in the shape of a dynamic whirlpool. Asians view this trait as one that brings good will and desired by women. Many ancient Chinese writings and pictures associate this trait with beautiful women.

In a study of over 8400 women, Dr. Khoo Boo Chai of Singapore found that 59% of women had bilateral dimples. Single dimples occurred 34% of the time with 60% of the time located on the left side. The most common area with a dimple in the face was the cheek at 47% and the mouth at 39%. With this knowledge, many surgeons opted to create one dimple usually on the left side. However, most surgeons lean toward creating a dimple on both sides for symmetry purposes.

Some people believe the most common area of a cheek dimple is the intersection of a vertical line drawn down from the outer corner of the eye and a horizontal line drawn from the corner of the mouth when a patient smiles. Others believe the most desirable spot is on a line drawn from the corner of the mouth to the earlobe about 3 to 3 ½ cm from the angle of the mouth.

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Dimple creation Before & After photos at Aesthetic Facial Body in Seattle & Bellevue


Dimple creation Before & After photos at Aesthetic Facial Body in Seattle & Bellevue


Note: Individual results will vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.

Consultation and Preparing for Procedure

This is something that you can bring up with your doctor during your consultation. You have a say on where the best location should be for your dimple. We usually sit down with a patient and use an instrument to stimulate where the dimple would be with the patient in front of a mirror.

This is done several times to make sure that the surgeon and the patient agree. We tend to do it during a consultation, pre-procedure appointment and the day of the procedure. We also verify it during the procedure itself.

Prior to the procedure, we usually have the patient swish with an antibacterial mouthwash to keep the mouth clean.

Dimple creator Before & After photos at Aesthetic Facial Body in Seattle & Bellevue

3 days after

Dimple Creation Before & After photos at Aesthetic Facial Body in Seattle

4 days after

Note: Individual results will vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.

Cost of Cheek Dimple

The cost a dimple creation surgery can vary between $2000 and $6000 depending on what is being done, the location of the procedure and the experience of the surgeon.

We spend more time with our procedure than other offices. The set up for the procedure ensures the patient is going to be happy with the results. We tend to do fewer procedures in a day to concentrate on the individual’s outcome.

Dimple creation in Seattle & Bellevue

6 days after

Note: Individual results will vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.

Procedure of Cheek Dimple

There are many ways to make the dimple look differently depending on the preference of the patient and surgeon.

The dimple creation procedure can be done under local anesthesia in the office. A small incision is made inside the mouth and some tissue is removed at this site. A suture is used to grasp the skin and sewn to the area of the incision. The sutures inside the mouth dissolve on their own. The sutures on the outside can be dissolvable or not depending on the surgeon’s technique. Many surgeons do not have a suture on the outside.

Dimple creation with Dr Philip Young in Seattle & Bellevue

27 days after

Note: Individual results will vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.


After your surgery, you will receive prescriptions for antibiotics (orally), pain medications and anti-nausea medication if necessary. We encourage you keep swishing with mouthwash after your procedure in the morning, after each meal, and at bedtime. The outside sutures are cleaned with a mixture of vinegar and water.

“My goal was to find a method to bring back a person’s natural youthfulness without the operated, unnatural look and that is why I have my patients bring in photos of them when they were age 5 to 30. My YoungVitalizer helps restore natural and youthful contours they haven’t seen in years.”

—Dr. Philip Young, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon

Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Tulane University University of Southern California
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